
Miami Beach nightclubs challenge spring break curfew – NBC 6 South Florida

The city of Miami Beach started a midnight curfew to continue its crackdown on spring break chaos this year.

The nightly curfew began at 11:59 p.m. Friday and ends Monday, March 18, at 6 a.m.

A Miami Beach spokesperson Melissa Berthier confirmed to NBC6 Saturday that three nightclubs — M2, Mynt Lounge and Exchange — challenged the curfew Friday night.

She also confirmed that a hearing was held Saturday, in which the court decided to uphold the midnight curfew.

The city of Miami Beach said in a statement that it was pleased with the court’s decision, and that the city has gone to great lengths to ensure public safety and discourage large crowds.

As of Saturday, the amount of spring break-related arrests was at 225. Overall, authorities are considering this to be a relatively smooth spring break compared to prior years.

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