Real Estate

Bilzin Sumberg Juggles Nearly A Dozen Sales In Marina Deal

By Andrew McIntyre (February 11, 2022, 6:16 PM EST) — When the trustees of Westrec Marinas were exploring the sale of the company’s portfolio of marina properties last year, they sought help from Bilzin Sumberg, which successfully juggled nearly a dozen different sale agreements, land-use complications and an unsolicited bid to put the sale together.  

Suntex Marinas owner Centerbridge Partners LP reached a deal late last year to buy Westrec Marinas for what’s been widely reported to be $400 million, in a tie-up of two of the three largest marina companies. Some of the sales have since closed, while others remain pending.

Miami-based Bilzin Sumberg Baena Price & Axelrod LLP helped…

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