
Behind the Scenes with Miami University: Training for Success

By Katie McDonnell, DREAM skater and member of Miami University

The beginning of a synchronized skating season demands a considerable amount of dedication and practice for any team.

It takes time and patience to choreograph and train new programs while also connecting with and learning to skate alongside new teammates.

As the season kicks off, Miami senior is working hard on and off the ice with big goals and aspirations. We have used the beginning of the season to build upon each individual’s skills and to work toward creating competitive programs. This season, there is also a lot of focus on aligning our mindsets and setting clear expectations early on.


It’s easy to watch a team perform and identify their technical strengths and program execution. However, the behind-the-scenes dynamics of synchro teams are often overlooked.


Each season, we have to shift our mindsets, transitioning from skating as individuals to skating as part of a team. In the past few months, we’ve been working on creating a positive team environment where we can build strong bonds and trust among teammates. Prioritizing a culture of collaboration, hard work, and passion has helped us come together as a united group with a shared vision.


To help us in this pursuit, we work with our mental training coach, Katie Bowling. Katie helps the team shape a mindset geared for success. In our sessions, we talk openly about our progress and figure out how we can keep improving as a team. It’s a collaborative process, and Katie equips us with effective strategies to enhance both individual and team performance.


On the ice, we are actively working on continuous progression through short-term goals and paying close attention to details, no matter how small. Rather than going through the motions of each movement, we want to use the whole space around us. We’ve come to an agreement as a team that simply doing the choreography is not enough.


This season, we are intent on engaging the entire body with heightened energy, emotion and precision. Every movement becomes more than just a step; it’s an expression, conveying the emotions and nuances of the performance.


Our coaches provide us with the tools and guidance we need to achieve the standard that we set for ourselves. However, the responsibility lies with each of us to take these tools and apply them to our skating and performance.


Fortunately, we have the ice time and resources to consistently work toward our goals and vision. Our practice regime consists of five on-ice practices a week, two weight training sessions, two dance classes and a cardio session. Each area of our training has a purpose and helps us reach our full potential.


As we progress a bit farther into the season, we are continuing to see ourselves grow as well-rounded athletes. Even so, there are always going to be moments where training feels a bit routine or tedious. This is a natural part of being an athlete. However, each day, we push our mental and physical limits in pursuit of excellence.


Miami University athletics plays a large role in supporting our team by providing the support and resources that we need to practice at peak performance. They are a large advocate of proper recovery, which is a fundamental part of our training.


We prioritize regular stretching and incorporate various muscle recovery techniques, including cold and hot tub sessions, mobility work, foam rolling, and cupping. As a result, we not only maintain physical well-being but also optimize our training time.


When we take the ice, we do so aiming to tell a story through our movements, connect with the audience and share our passion. Our team has developed a good rhythm with our training, and our programs are growing stronger each week!


We are lucky to be a part of the Miami legacy, and we are thankful we get to share our journey with the synchronized skating community. We can’t wait to continue attacking our programs as the season unfolds.


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