
You get to choose only one Miami Dolphins player

So as you can probably tell, with most of these posts, I have long ago run out of what I consider either important questions or even quality questions to ask. So I try and make the questions at least fun or something that makes you think. Hopefully from here on out it will be easier for me to come up with ideas with training camp starting and the season just around the corner.

Anyway, I was sitting and thinking of a question to ask and I thought which player that is currently on the roster would I love to have dinner with? First off I would love to sit down with McDaniel for a meeting or dinner or whatever that allowed me to pick his brain but this is about players and not the head coach. I assume every fan would love a chance to have a good long conversation with our head coach.

As far as players I would love to meet and have a conversation with it would be Christian Wilkins for me. Not only is he most likely the most intelligent person on the roster but in my opinion he is also the heart of the team not to mention possibly the funniest guy on the team. I know I have mentioned this before but how many defensive guys his size sprint halfway down the field to celebrate a touchdown from the sideline? How can you not love that guy?

So tonight’s question is which current Miami Dolphins player would you like to have dinner with and why? It can be just to meet a player that you love or it can be just to ask him about the team, the game, and his take on all things Miami Dolphins or the NFL in general. It can be just to shoot the breeze about your and his everyday life away from football.

Please give us your player and why in the comments section below-

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