
Drought Conditions Expand in Miami Valley – WHIO TV 7 and WHIO Radio

Some much needed rainfall impacted the Miami Valley Tuesday and Wednesday this week, but it wasn’t enough. The US Drought Monitor released Thursday showed an increased area of moderate drought conditions in more of our counties. The drought monitor does look at rain up until Tuesday morning. The showers we say this week, anywhere from a quarter to about a half inch, fell after that cut-off. Unfortunately, even if it was counted in the report this week, it wouldn’t have been enough to help.

>>Drought conditions developing across the Miami Valley

Almost every county is in a moderate drought now. Across the state, 4.1 million people are estimated to be under a moderate drought.

Here are some possible impacts according to the US Drought Monitor to the moderate drought:

  • Some damage to crops, pastures
  • Streams, reservoirs, or wells low, some water shortages developing or imminent
  • Voluntary water-use restrictions requested

We are expected to get some showers Sunday & Monday but this will likely just be a few tenths of an inch.

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