
Developer Says Miami Would Get Billions From P3 Project

By Nathan Hale (July 21, 2022, 10:38 PM EDT) — A developer has put forth a proposal to redevelop an 18.75-acre property owned by the city of Miami into a mixed-use, master-planned district that it estimates would produce $4.7 billion in lease and tax revenues for the city over a suggested 99-year lease.

A developer is proposing to redevelop an 18.75-acre property owned by the city of Miami into a mixed-use, master-planned district, shown in a rendering, that it estimates will produce $4.7 billion in lease and tax revenues for the city over a suggested 99-year lease. (NR Investments and DPZ CoDesign)

Miami-based N.R. Investments Inc. said that if its unsolicited…

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