
Blockchain by the Pool in Business-Friendly Miami

A rooftop swimming pool in Miami Beach, Fla., Nov. 15, 2021.


Lynne Sladky/Associated Press

“Dear Companies, Time to Move Here” (Exchange, July 9), about how Miami has reinvented itself into a financial and technology powerhouse, resonates with me. For over a decade, I ran my business in Chile, but I decided to open an office in Miami last year after hearing how the city was becoming a hub for tech innovation. I wanted to be in an environment where everyone eats, sleeps and breathes innovation, leveraging the opportunity to connect and discover technology to help my company scale up.

To my surprise, the pool at my condo turned into the most unusual place to meet a blockchain expert who helped me figure out how to incorporate this technology into my company. Thanks to this chance encounter, my company now uses blockchain tech to measure compliance programs for multinationals fighting to keep corruption at bay in their Latin American affiliates. Miami has evolved in such a way that tech experts have become more abundant than the models and celebrities that have defined the city in the past.

My company was able to acquire a competitive advantage that will help it grow faster. We are in the process of incorporating artificial-intelligence technology thanks to connections I developed during a free, eight-week accelerator program run by Endeavor Miami, supported by the Knight Foundation and business leaders. I’ve never experienced such a business-friendly environment before.

Susana Sierra

Chief Executive, BH Compliance


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