
Is P.J. Tucker Already Gone To Philly?

The Miami Heat are going about the business of the offseason in the most Miami Heat way possible. Being linked to every possible free agent or available guy, they always find themselves as a key figure on the rumor mill.

At this point, you have to understand that certain teams are just invoked to drive value or create leverage and the Miami Heat are one of those teams. That’s neither here nor there though, at the moment, just something to be aware of.

In continuing on with their way of doing things, they also, probably, landed one of the steals of the entire NBA Draft in Nikola Jovic. A lottery-type talent who many expected to go higher fell to them at 27.

When it comes to developing talent, undrafted, late-drafted, or highly drafted—few if any teams do it like the Miami Heat. So, there’s always that.

The Miami Heat have more work to do this offseason, including keeping their own. P.J. Tucker should be atop of that list, though rumored to be Philly bound.

Here’s the part that’s really getting most of the buzz right now though. When it comes to keeping your own, that’s a huge part of the NBA offseason too and the Miami Heat might have a situation on their hands.

Making it known that he didn’t feel he was a “mid-level guy” early on in the process, P.J. Tucker has, reportedly, drawn interest from many teams. One team though, the Philadelphia 76ers, seemed to have leaped above the rest.

With his former teammate, James Harden, and former team architect, Daryl Morey, over in Philadelphia, there is actually a strong linkage between the two. In fact, some consider P.J. Tucker already gone to Philly.

Here is the latest indication. It comes from Keith Pompey Of The Inquirer.

However, multiple league sources say Tucker will choose the Sixers’ three-year, $30 million offer over opportunities to remain in Miami or go back to Milwaukee after free agency begins at 6 p.m. Thursday. Tucker could receive $27 million guaranteed with reachable incentives that could get him $30 million, sources say.

Interesting, very interesting. While you still would have to see it to believe it, as Tucker seemed very comfortable with the Miami Heat, his teammates, and team president, Pat Riley, there is obviously a chance he leaves.

The Miami Heat would quickly need to recover if he does, however, you hope that he stays. Only time will tell but things are certainly about to get interesting.

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