
Girl Has Epic Total Meltdown In Miami When Her Flight Is Canceled

A girl suffered an epic total meltdown at Miami International Airport after her flight was canceled. I’ve never seen anything like this.

An Epic Total Meltdown In Miami After Flight Cancellation

The video, posted on Reddit, is only eight seconds long, but that eight seconds is quite dramatic:

This is Miami, right? Those signs with the blue lines underneath are quite distinctive and to my knowledge no other airport uses them.

I actually don’t have too much commentary to add beyond this short video…it is pretty self-explanatory. And pathetic. And I’d really hate to see what happens when she doesn’t get into the college she wants to attend or secure the job she interviewed for. What happens when her partner dumps her or when her parents don’t buy her that new car or new outfit she wants?

Because this sort of behavior is really quite deplorable.

And yet I will stipulate that we do not have all the facts in front of us. We don’t know why her flight was canceled or what the consequences of that flight cancellation were. But heck, even if she missed her own wedding or bar examination or Tinder date…that sort of reaction tells me to run…the opposite direction.

So let’s just say that I pray that my children will learn to handle their problems better than this and that missing your flight, while horrible, is never the end of the world.

It’s not the end of the world when you miss your flight…


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