
Ukrainian Catholics in Miami Gather To Show Solidarity With Those Back Home – NBC 6 South Florida

Dozens of Ukrainian Catholics gathered at the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Miami Sunday to show solidarity with loved ones back home. 

“We have to be free. We choose to be free. Ukraine has been free now 30 years,” one attendee said.

“I hope the rest of the world doesn’t think it’s a problem just for Ukraine because it is a problem for the whole world,” deacon Paul Galadza said. “Anyone who loves freedom, anyone that enjoys living in freedom should be concerned about what he is trying to do.”

Across the U.S., many other cities also held rallies in support of Ukraine, including Buffalo, Knoxville and Fort Worth. 

A New York City rally drew a large crowd to Washington Square Park. Some speakers called out Vladimir Putin and others, the United States. One Ukranian woman at the New York march said her family is staying put for now.

“I think the thing that feels surprising is the defiance,” Natalia Radywyl, who’s family is in Ukraine, said. “And I have family there that could probably go to Poland but they want to stay and it’s important to them to stay and be there.”

In Minneapolis, protesters gathered on a bridge where they waved Ukrainian flags.

Outside San Francisco City Hall, demonstrators called for a no-fly zone over Ukraine, increased military funding and guaranteed security for Ukraine. Hoping and praying for a peaceful resolution.

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