
Miami Mesivta Lights Up South Florida

This Chanukah the Miami Klurman Mesivta lit up the entire Miami area with their biggest-ever Chanukah Mivtzoim effort.
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This Chanukah the Miami Klurman Mesivta lit up the entire Miami area with their biggest-ever Chanukah Mivtzoim effort.

After weeks of hard work, organizing and meticulous planning, the Shluchim to the Mesivta arranged three nights of incredible Mivtzoim for the Bochurim, which were a tremendous success.

The Bochurim together with the Shluchim drove around the entire Miami area in a fleet of 10 pickup trucks and 2 Mivtza tanks, each one sporting a huge Chanukah Menorah.

The Bochurim wrapped a total of 180 Tefilin, distributed 1100 Menorah kits, 1000 Chanukah guides and gave out 800 delicious donuts. They also participated in 27 Chanukah events.

This year the Bochurim took part in their very own Chanukah parade starting in Miami Beach and driving all the way up to Aventura, stopping along the way in many different Jewish communities where the local Yidden excitedly came out to greet them while delightfully taking pictures and filming the parade.

The Shluchim are extremely grateful and thankful to all the generous sponsors who made this year’s Chanukah Mivtzoim a reality.

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