Real Estate

Real Estate Rumors: Adrian Builders, Sitex, Ryan

By Andrew McIntyre (January 21, 2022, 6:55 PM EST) — Entities managed by Florida investor Tomas Pequeno have purchased a Miami-Dade County retail center for $26 million, the South Florida Business Journal reported Friday. The deal is for 12700 and 12750 S.W. 128th St., which has 81,680 square feet and is located in the Tamiami neighborhood, and the seller is Adrian Builders, according to the report.

New Jersey-based investment firm Sitex Group has picked up a 98,000-square-foot Brooklyn industrial property for $30 million, Commercial Observer reported Friday. The firm bought 360 Kingsland Ave., which has a mix of office and industrial space and where Sitex could build additional space, according to…

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