
Miami Hurricanes announce Mark Light Shake Baseball scholarship, honoring UM legend

If you’ve gone to a University of Miami Hurricanes baseball game before, chances are you know exactly who Mitch Freedman is. The UM legend threw out the ceremonial first pitch on Sunday, honored after 40 seasons of his Mark Light milkshakes. 

“Everybody says ‘don’t bounce it, don’t bounce it,’ so I bounced it,” Freedman admitted. “Came up a little short but that’s fine.”

Alongside family who drove in for the special occasion, the Canes also announced the Freedman Family – Mark Light Shake Baseball Scholarship, honoring the man who’s been a staple in the Coral Gables community for decades now. 

“I was extremely excited and touched by it,” Freedman said. “It’s not just me, it’s the Freedman Family Foundation, so it represents everybody. Mark Light baseball has meant a lot to us and we all wanted to give something back.” 

“[Freedman] is celebrating his 50th wedding anniversary and 75th birthday as well,” said Adam Jensen, Director of Development for UM Athletic Department. “His family contacted us towards the end of last year and wanted to do something special for those reasons and we thought it would be a great idea to establish a scholarship so his name lives in perpetuity because he’s been bringing his dedication and service for over 40 years now.” 

Still working to gain funds for it, the scholarship will be part of an endowment for their baseball student-athletes. 

“It’s a beautiful cause indeed,” said Francisco Pereira, who’s worked with Mark Light Milkshakes for the last 10 years. “It’s one of the best ways to help our children, [and] the future of baseball.” 

Whether you’re enjoying one of Freedman’s milkshakes for the first time or just continuing to appreciate the iconic sweet treat at Mark Light Field, Freedman’s impact on the community makes the scholarship a no-brainer. 

“It’s been a staple here at Mark Light Field and something that we hope can continue on that tradition,” Jensen said. 

If you’d like to help donate to the Freedman Family – Mark Light Shake Baseball Scholarship, contact Adam Jensen at

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