
Miami woman says peeping Tom caught on surveillance video has trespassed 3 times in 2 months – WSVN 7News | Miami News, Weather, Sports

MIAMI (WSVN) – A Miami woman is speaking out and sharing her story after she caught a man peeping through her window, not once, but three times within the past two months.

Speaking with 7News on Sunday, Sofia Galiano said the repeat trespasser has left her neighborhood on edge.

“I think he’s been, like, peeping into my apartment and, like, my neighbor’s apartment,” she said.

But now the unwelcome intruder has been caught on surveillance video.

Galiano, who lives along Northwest First Court and 74th Street, said the most recent incident happened Sunday morning.

“Opened my back gate, went to my backyard and looked through my kitchen window, and then he came around and went, like, onto her side of the property, my next-door neighbor, and then he left, so it was like super quick. I would say like two minutes tops,” she said,

Galiano said she confronted the subject the previous time he entered her property.

“Can I help you? What are you doing back there? What?’” she is heard saying in the surveillance video.

“I opened the door when he was coming out, and I asked him what he was doing, if I could help him, and he’s like, ‘I was looking for something,’ and he had nothing else to say. He just left,” said Galiano.

The concerned homeowner has now installed extra Ring cameras and has put up “no trespassing” signs.

“Overall, there’s four cameras on my side, and then five ‘no trespassing’ signs, but none of that has seemed to help,” she said.

Because, Galiano said, this man seems to keep lingering around.

“This morning, he like unlocked this [metal gate],” she said.

Galiano said she is not sure what his intentions are, but she’s concerned for her safety.

“It’s sust surprising to see him in my backyard, looking through my window, twice,” she said. “I don’t know if I’m being targeted.”

City of Miami Police said they are aware of a suspicious man in the neighborhood. They advise area residents to contact them if they see him trespassing or looking into their homes.

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