
Miami-Dade 2026 teacher of the year is Vivian Ventura – NBC 6 South Florida

Drum roll please!

Miami-Dade County Public Schools has announced their 2026 Francisco R. Walker Miami-Dade County Teacher of the Year, and the prestigious award goes to…

Vivian Ventura, an orchestra teacher at Southwood Middle School and 20-year veteran of the school district. 

“I’m so grateful for the award, because I really wanted to highlight music programs,” she said on Tuesday night’s ceremony. “I think music programs matter. The good ones, the ones that teach quality music thinking, critical thinking, teamwork.”

MDCPS said in a news release: “Ventura’s greatest joy is watching students with no musical knowledge blossom into budding skilled musicians and serve their community through music. She fosters an inviting environment with a focus on technique, structured repetition and motivational music.”

She had her sights set on law school, until she realized teaching music was her passion. 

Miami-Dade County Public Schools

Vivian Ventura, MDCPS 2026 teacher of the year

“If you really want kids to succeed, put ‘em in music, and I wholeheartedly believe that, and that doesn’t mean just academically, it’s a well-rounded person,” Ventura said when NBC6 interviewed her as a nominee. “They can use what they learn in music and apply it to everything that they do.”

The school district said that over the past two decades, Ventura’s students have consistently earned superior ratings in District Music Performance Assessments. 

“Her students at Southwood Middle have gotten more superior medals in District competitions than any other middle school,” MDCPS said. “They have also gone on to study at the prestigious Juilliard and perform in theater productions like ‘Hamilton.’”

Ventura told NBC6 a few weeks ago that music education demands a work ethic to succeed, and that translates to all avenues of life. 

“I truly believe that we must fight for music education,” Ventura said.

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