Romanian orphan receives life-changing surgery at Miami’s Bascom Palmer Eye Institute
MIAMI – Seven-month-old Angelica was born with congenital glaucoma which is caused by damage to the nerve connecting the eye to the brain.
She would have lived her life as an orphan in Romania in darkness if not for the kindness and caring of Gabriela Geist
“We believe we can do it because God said we should,” said Geist, who was born in Romania and came to America in 1989
After she and her husband raised six children, they returned to Romania and began caring for sick kids.
When a Romanian hospital told her about Angelica she knew she had to help. So she made arrangements to bring Angelica to the U.S. Once here, she brought her to the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute In Miami.
“They had done surgery in Europe and the doctor made a mistake,” said Geist. “We came here with high bleeding, she had blood in the back of her eye behind her retina. So we come to the emergency room and the surgeon said ‘You know, I wasn’t even supposed to be here’.”
It was just one of many chance encounters that led to success.
Geist had little funds to cover the cost of the treatment. Family friend Eugen Bold talked to the hospital’s executive office and hospital’s staff. The surgeon then agreed to do the procedure for free
“A lot of closed doors opened miraculously. I say that and I’m a pragmatist,” said Bold
On Tuesday, Angelica had surgery to repair the nerve damage. She will be returning to Romania to recuperate and if recovery goes as planned her vision could be restored in a year
“We take it one step at a time. God is our rock,” said Geist.