
Miami residents fear city proposal threatens tree canopy

MIAMI – Miami residents gathered at city hall to voice their opinions on a tree ordinance.

They are accusing city leaders of trying to make it easier for developers to cut down trees.

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“Our existing ordinance is not working,” said Commissioner Damian Pardo.

But neither are the proposed changes to that ordinance, according to Miami residents who came to Tuesday’s Sunshine meeting to “speak for the trees.”

According to the city, the proposed tree ordinance changes seek to “simplify the requirements necessary to obtain a tree permit for all residents and business entities within the City to promote development, maintenance and management of the tree canopy within the City.”

Commissioners say the ordinance is aimed at streamlining the permitting process to make it coherent and accessible for people of all income levels and to protect the tree canopy.

But Miami residents who lined up to speak called the changes flawed and deceptive, saying they worry the ordinance has been influenced by building lobbyists and that it has an ulterior motive.

“The commissioners are being disingenuous,” said Steven Leidner with the Miami Sierra Club. “If you read through the ordinance, it’s totally biased towards diminishing our existing canopy.”

While Tuesday’s meeting may be over, the discussion is far from it.

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