
Safety alert issued after sexual assault in Miami Beach

MIAMI BEACH – It was a horrifying Tuesday morning for one woman rollerblading in Miami Beach.She told police she was attacked from behind by a man who is still at large.

“We’re taking this extremely seriously,” said Christopher Bess, public Information officer with the Miami Beach Police Department.

According to police, the woman was rollerblading near the 2300 block along the beachwalk in South Beach around 1 a.m., “at which point the subject attacked her from behind,” said Bess.

According to police, sexual battery is a component of the investigation.

Katie Pfinz lives in the area and often uses the beachwalk to exercise.

After hearing about the assault, she said she’s “terrified. Because, I mean, I try to do what I can to be safe. But you can only do so much,” said Pfinz.

“That’s actually insane that no one would stop for her or care to even notice,” said visitor Reign Kirby.

“People out here, they do whatever they would like to. They have no respect. You never know who people are out here,” said Brian Murzinski.

Police advise those going out at night to use a buddy system, and to always be aware of theirsurroundings.

“I keep looking back behind me. And if I do have pepper spray, or anything that can defend me, I try to keep it in my right pocket because I’m right-handed,” said Pfinz. “I’ll even walk with my hand in my pocket so it’s ready to go.”

Police say the suspect is aged 20-30, stands about 5-foot-8-inches to 5-foot-9-inches tall and weighs about 180 pounds.

He was in a white outfit when the attack happened with distinctive arm tattoos, officials said.

Miami Beach Police say there will be an enhanced police presence in the area as they continue to conduct their investigation.

They’re asking anyone who recognizes the suspect to call police.

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