
Billboard in Miami compares Donald Trump to Fidel Castro – NBC 6 South Florida

A new billboard in South Florida compares former President Donald Trump to the late Cuban leader Fidel Castro.

“No to dictators — no to Trump,” the billboard — located off the Palmetto Expressway near Northwest 67th Avenue — says in Spanish. Trump and Fidel are face-to-face on each side of the massive red display.

The billboard is paid for by Mad Dog PAC, a political action committee openly committed to stopping Trump as his poll numbers steadily rise. They’re known for putting up anti-Trump billboards in several states, mostly in the Midwest.

“I think it’s very fair to compare Donald Trump, who, in his wildest dreams, he aspires to be a Fidel Castro. He wants to be another dictator and just as evil as Fidel Castro was,” said Claude Taylor, the founder of the PAC.

This is the PAC’s first Spanish billboard, and they said it won’t be the last.

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