
Thousands expected to flock to Miami Beach during Memorial Day Weekend

MIAMI – The city of Miami Beach is expecting thousands of visitors to flock to South Beach for Memorial Day weekend.

With many visitors coming preparations are underway including safety measures to make sure that everyone makes it home safely.

“We’re visiting for vacation for a good time in our spare time,” said James Collier, visiting from Chattanooga, Tennessee.

“I feel like it’s calmed down a lot. Like this is my favorite vacation spot. We come like every single year,” said Dameka Collier. Visiting from Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Dameka and James Collier are just two of many people expected to walk Ocean Drive over the next week. 

This year the city is bringing back a holiday tradition for the 7th year in a row, the Hyundai Air and Sea Show.

“We’re honored to bring this. We’re the people behind the scenes and the concept is to generate an event that will generate community spirit and generate revenue for the businesses and to showcase the community in a positive way,” said Mickey Markoff, the founder of the Hyundai Air and Sea Show.

Family members of all ages are expected to pack Ocean Drive near Lummus Park for the all-military air and sea show. 

“For the first time the B2 bomber, the B1 B bomber and the B52 bomber. All three are going to fly wing to wing and a three-ship right down Miami Beach. Down a civilian beach,” said Markoff.

Such a busy holiday weekend means police will be present and visual. 

“The message is very clear. Public safety is our top priority. But we also want people to have fun and enjoy our city,” said Christopher Bess, Miami Beach Police Department’s public information officer.

For the last few years, Miami Beach police department has seen a drastic reduction in crime over the holiday weekend. 

In 2015, a total of 145 people were arrested. 

Pre-pandemic in 2019, a total of 134 people were arrested.

Last year, in 2023, there were only 60 arrests and not one shooting. 

“Statistically it shows our arrest numbers have decreased because of a more family-friendly crowd has come to our city. Different activations throughout the Ocean Drive corridor has also contributed to the success of Memorial Day weekend as we know it today,” said Bess.

The police department says they plan to keep that trend going by implementing different measures like DIU checkpoints, license plate readers and blocking off residential areas.

“Which basically means those zones are designated for people who live there. So you will have police, personnel there ensuring that everything is peaceful and our residents can navigate through the city stress-free,” said Bess.

The city of Miami Beach police department says there will be 18 local, state and federal law enforcement agencies here in Miami assisting throughout the weekend. 

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