
Miami-Dade passes school zone speed camera plan. Here’s what you need to know – NBC 6 South Florida

Miami-Dade commissioners approved a measure Wednesday that will allow school zone cameras to be installed at hundreds of locations across the county.

The measure was approved with a 10-3 vote. The goal is to begin the program before the next school year though certain requirements like conducting a traffic study at each location and launching an educational campaign will have to take place before any devices are activated.

Here are the rest of the details on the program from the Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioners:

How many cameras will there be under the plan?

All school zones throughout Miami-Dade will be part of the plan. Some 206 school zones have been identified and they are all in the unincorporated area of Miami-Dade. State law gives the authority to cities to implement the same program and some cities have already moved forward with the program.

What’s the speed threshold for a violator to be issued a ticket?

Right now, a police officer can give you a citation for anything over 15 MPH in a school zone. The devices will only give you a citation if you are traveling 11 MPH over the speed limit.

How much is the first offense ticket? Will points be added to their driving record?

The citation is a flat fee of $100 and no points will go on your driving record. It also will not impact your car insurance.

Who will provide the equipment and how long is the contract for?

RedSpeed USA will be providing the equipment. The contract is for a total of six years but after each year the county can choose to not renew it without any penalties to the county.

County commissioners said the project will be self-funded by the citations issued.

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