
Things we learned in UM’s inexplicable loss to Georgia Tech

The Miami Hurricanes snatched defeat from the jaws of victory late Saturday night.

Miami was mere seconds away from closing out a sloppy but resilient win over Georgia Tech at Hard Rock Stadium before disaster struck and the Yellow Jackets pulled out the victory.

Here are 10 things we learned from Miami’s first loss of the year:

Inexplicable coaching mistake directly leads to loss

The Hurricanes had the ball on third and 10 with less than 40 seconds left. Georgia Tech had no timeouts remaining.

Miami chose to run the ball with Don Chaney Jr. instead of taking a knee to run the clock out. Chaney fumbled, and the Yellow Jackets recovered. They drove 74 yards in 26 seconds to win.

The sequence of events is dumbfounding. Miami had a 99.9 percent chance to win, according to ESPN’s metrics, but still lost. The decision drew the ire of the sports world. 

After the game, UM coach Mario Cristobal offered an explanation for the error, which was similar to one from his tenure at Oregon.

“The drive started, it was going to be at 1:57 and we ran about 1:27 off,” Cristobal said. “And then it was recalibrated. We should’ve taken a timeout right there at the end. Thought we’d get the first down, and we talked about two hands on the ball. But that’s not good enough. Just should’ve told him to take a knee. That’s it. Fumbled the ball at the 25, and they went 75 yards in (four) plays. So no excuse.

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