
How Lionel Messi’s two goals helped Inter Miami beat FC Dallas on penalties in Leagues Cup

It would be silly at this point to expect anything different than what happened in the 85th minute on Sunday night in Frisco, Texas.

Since arriving in the U.S., Lionel Messi has done nothing but deliver for Inter Miami. So, as he lined up a free kick from the right side of the box in the waning minutes of the game, his team trailing by a goal, everyone knew what was coming. And yet, even so.

“When you actually see it happening,” Inter Miami goalkeeper Drake Callender said, “it’s kind of surreal.”

FC Dallas’ wall timed its jump perfectly. Goalkeeper Maarten Paes covered as much space as he could with a dive and an outstretched arm. And yet, Messi’s free kick curled toward the upper corner, kissing ever so slightly off the bottom of the crossbar before hitting the net.

The score was tied, 4-4. Inter Miami, down two goals just minutes before, had pulled even.

Messi had delivered another signature moment in a Miami shirt. Go Further below.

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