Small but mighty: No compromise on quality despite tiny block size
2 Frangipani St, Miami is going under the hammer on July 21.
BIGGER isn’t necessarily better and that’s definitely the case for this showstopper house on the Gold Coast.
The luxury two-level new build at Miami is attracting plenty of attention despite being on a tiny 360 sqm block.
The house has a commanding presence from the street.
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The property, at 2 Frangipani St, includes a four-bedroom house with two living areas as well as a backyard and pool.
The sellers paid $1.55 million for a 665 sqm block in June, 2022, before subdividing and building on the corner block.
Kollosche — Broadbeach agent Taylor Kleinberg is taking the new build to auction on July 21.
The kitchen and main living area which has a 5.9m void.
The clever design creates a huge sense of space.
“With the housing shortage and increased small lot development providing us with more housing options, the concern is always around how small is too small,” Mr Kleinberg said.
“Can a well designed small lot provide all the amenities that a larger lot can?”
The answer is a resounding yes according to Mr Kleinberg.
“Everyone is very surprised at our much of a house is on the block without compromising on space,” he said.
“This house doesn’t look like it’s on a small subdivided block and it has a very commanding presence on the street.”
The main living area looks out to the pool.
He said the property was 1.3km to the beach in an area not known for subdivisions.
“The original block was purchased in an area of Miami where there’s isn’t a lot of subdivision,” he said.
“You usually see the subdivisions closer to the beach.”
FGS Constructions & Development were behind the build while Mi Design Studio came up with the design.
From the street, a stone feature wall stands out against a white weatherboard and concrete facade while black and gold accents and archway features add an elegant flair.
Inside there is French oak flooring, wool carpets and Italian marble as well as a 5.9m void which further accentuates the sense of space.
Sliding doors open to an alfresco area overlooking the 7m pool.
The kitchen and timber staircase.
A timber staircase leads to an open landing and second living area on the upper level — there are also three bedrooms including the lavish main on this level.
“It is a 350sq m block so it will only accommodate so much but the dimensions internally are extremely well used,” Mr Kleinberg said.
“Buyers don’t have to compromise on quality because the property is full of luxury features.
“The rooms are good sized and the lounges aren’t too big or too small, they’re appropriately sized for the house.
PropTrack data reveals Miami house prices are up 2.2 per cent over the past three months but down 5.5 per cent annually.
The median price for houses is sitting at $1.43 million.
The upstairs living area.