Part 2 of the post-Patriots game SI Fan Nation All Dolphins mailbag:
From Ricardo Hernandez (@Ricardo96451182):
Hey Alain. I like McDaniel a lot, and I saw you were pretty adamant that he should be retained, but it’s been pretty rough lately. Has the coaching matched the talent level? Is your opinion based on simple fairness, or do you believe he’s the guy despite any big-name alternatives?
Hey Ricardo, totally fair question, and I do believe McDaniel deserves another shot, though I haven’t liked his work as much recently (obvious when the team is losing). Has coaching matched the talent? Yeah, I’m thinking the talent on the team might have been a tad overestimated.
From Jeff Horst (@JeffHorst4):
Alain, what has happened to Jerome Baker this season? He seems to miss tackles frequently; under Flores he seemed to have a bigger impact, especially blitzing the quarterback. Has he been misused or underperforming?
Hey Jeff, that’s a great question. And I’m going to take the wimpy way out and suggest that maybe it’s a combination of both. The bottom line is that Baker simply hasn’t been a significant factor this season.