Real Estate

Corrections: Dec. 25, 2022 – The New York Times

An article this weekend on Page 7 about a new PBS documentary about the friendship between Groucho Marx and Dick Cavett misspells the surname of a former host of “The Tonight Show.” He was Jack Paar, not Jack Parr. It also misquotes the punchline of a Groucho Marx joke in “Animal Crackers.” It is “How he got in my pajamas, I don’t know,” not “How he got in my pajamas, I’ll never know.”

An article this weekend on Page 5 about the lack of comic opera house in America misstates the status of “The Romance of the Rose,” an opera by Kate Soper. The opera will debut at Long Beach Opera in February 2023; it is not the case that it is unscheduled.

An article last Sunday about the wedding of Kelly Daniels and Emir Muhovic misstated where the couple were married. It was the SCOPE art show during Miami Art Week, not Art Basel Miami Beach. The error was re­peated in a picture caption.

An article last Sunday about the wedding of Shawn Lamb and Jay Wong misspelled Mr. Wong’s given name. It is Jerrold, not Jarrold.

The On the Market feature last Sunday misidentified the reporter who reviewed the home for sale at 2 Port Drive, Port Washington, N.Y. She is Claudia Gryvatz Copquin, not Anne Mancuso.

The Ask Real Estate feature last Sunday described incorrectly the readers who submitted the question. They rent an apartment in a high-­rise building in Manhattan; they do not own it.

Errors are corrected during the press run whenever possible, so some errors noted here may not have appeared in all editions.

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