
More Miami residents own dogs than cats

Data: U.S. Census American Housing Survey; Chart: Erin Davis/Axios Visuals

We love all our pets in South Florida, but dogs run things around here.

Driving the news: About 23% of households in greater Miami owned a dog in 2021, more than double the 10% of households that own a cat, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau.

  • The metro area includes Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach.

The big picture: South Florida trails other large U.S. metros in both categories.

  • Our love for dogs ranks 14th among the 15 largest U.S. metro areas, and we’re 15th for cats.

By the numbers: An estimated 507,500 households in greater Miami own at least one dog, which is about 23% of the area’s more than 2.2 million households, according to the census data.

  • About 223,100 households (10% of the region’s total) have a cat.
  • An estimated 26,300 have fish, and 26,700 have birds.

Yes, but: More than 1.5 million households reported having no pets at all.

  • It’s unclear whether that’s due to financial hardship, apartment/condo restrictions or some other reason.

Data: U.S. Census American Housing Survey; Chart: Erin Davis/Axios Visuals


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