
Jevon Holland tops our Miami Dolphins safety rankings

The Miami Dolphins safeties could form one of the top units in the AFC East and maybe the NFL but ranking them beyond our top guy isn’t easy.

Jevon Holland is the top guy even entering only his second season. He is consistent, hard-hitting, and has great vision to play in the deep secondary. How Miami will utilize him in 2022 will be interesting to watch.

Many believe that Holland will take the national leap in 2022. That his name will be known around the NFL as opposed to just south Florida.

The question we have is where do the rest of the Dolphins’ safeties rank?

Miami has six safeties on its roster at the time of this writing (in June). By the time this posts, this could change but it is not likely going to change anything at the top.

Only one player will enter this season as a rookie at the safety position.

Verone McKinley III will find it hard to make what will likely be a four-person unit. His best hope is to make the PS and that too might be difficult.

Sheldrick Redwine has four years of experience and that could be a catalyst to making this year’s roster. The question is where would he fit? He could climb this ranking and in fact would, if he finds a spot on the team, because one of those listed above him will be out of a job.

Clayton Fejedelem

Primarily a special teams player, Fejedelem would likely rank higher if he was able to pad his experience at safety.

Brandon Jones

Entering year three, Jones is considered to be the future of Miami alongside Holland in the next year or two at the most. He is developing well and could pass Eric Rowe by seasons end if not the start of the season.

Eric Rowe

Eric Rowe has 8 years of experience and is still putting up quality stats but he could find himself being challenged for playing time by Jones and if he can’t beat out Jones, it will be an interesting development.


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