Real Estate

Real Estate Rumors: Jepeway, CannonDesign, Lalezarian

By Andrew McIntyre (June 28, 2022, 7:00 PM EDT) — An entity managed by investors Orli Teitelbaum, Robert Balogh and Cara Balogh has purchased a South Miami retail building for $18.5 million, the South Florida Business Journal reported Tuesday. The deal is for 5700 Sunset Drive, a 34,901-square-foot retail building, and the seller is the estate of the late civil rights lawyer Louis Jepeway Jr., according to the report.

Architecture firm CannonDesign has reached a deal to lease 17,000 square feet of space on 42nd Street in New York, Commercial Observer reported Tuesday. The firm is taking space on floor two at 300 E. 42nd St., an 18-story office tower that…

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