“This game is very, very playoff like, guys are very serious, guys are playing great. But this is something you cannot do on the bench. Figure out what goes on right, this is something you can’t do. Right now Coach Spoelstra, he just gave a speech. This is something you cannot do on the bench. Somebody farted. Who farted on the bench? And the fart goes four deep. So intense they had to let it go.”
Shaq’s hilarious commentary brought laughs out of the entire crew and it’s no surprise that this was something O’Neal was quick to notice. One can only imagine what Shaq would have reacted like if he had been on the bench instead of in the studio watching the game.
O’Neal has never looked back since his early appearances on the show, he has brought life to the broadcast numerous times with his takes and his jokes. While this particular bit might be a little low brow, there is something truly infectious about the way Shaq talks about it that would make even the most serious person laugh.