Jewish Women Post ‘Moshiach Is Here’ Billboard in Miami
BROOKLYN, N.Y., June 22, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — A massive billboard with a surprising message stands on a major highway in Miami, FL. It boldly declares: “MOSHIACH IS HERE.” The subtext is: “Just add in goodness and kindness.” The message concludes with: “Long live the Rebbe King Messiah forever.” Geulah Generation, an organization of Jewish women based in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, posted the sign on the heavily trafficked I-95 at 69th Street, going toward Miami Beach.
This is the second billboard this year. The first posted in March in Brooklyn, NY on Atlantic Avenue on the way to JFK.

The campaign is a reprise of their first billboard on Manhattan’s West Side Highway in 2005. Its goal is to bring awareness of the Lubavitcher Rebbe as the Messiah, and to publicize his main message, stated to CNN in 1991, “Moshiach is ready to come now. It is only on our part to add something additional in the realm of goodness and kindness.”
In 1991, the Rebbe stunned the world by announcing as a prophecy that we are in the era of the Redemption.
Said Geulah Generation spokeswoman Basha Oka Botnick, “The journey toward a sane and beautiful world has begun.”
She said that that the key to this new era is to acknowledge that there is a G-d in the world, and to strive to keep His laws. “He is the Creator, and He knows what works,” Mrs. Botnick said.
By the same token, Moshiach is not a dictator. He is a king that can only rule when he has the acceptance of the Jewish people.
Many hundreds of thousands of Jewish people the world over proclaim daily, “Long live our Master, our Teacher, our Rebbe the King Moshiach, forever and ever,” accepting the kingship of the Rebbe.
Acknowledging the Rebbe as Moshiach is based on Jewish Law, codified by the great sage Maimonides in the 12th century. These Laws of Moshiach say that Moshiach must be a descendant of King David, immersed in the Torah and its commandments, involved in strengthening the Jewish people in the practice of their religion, and protecting the Torah and its rules from incursions.
The Rebbe fulfills these and other requirements.
As is well known, the Rebbe has a virtual empire of Chabad Houses all over the world whose aim is to gather Jews and reunite them with their heritage.
Further, the Rebbe has launched a campaign to promote the 7 Noahide Laws, universal laws given to Moses at Mt. Sinai for all people (
People are responding to the MOSHIACH IS HERE billboard with much excitement. “It lifts everyone’s spirits,” says a Boca Raton real estate agent.
“When I see the sign, I know the Redemption is here,” says a mother of three.
Geulah Generation is planning to expand this campaign to other major US cities. To donate to the MOSHIACH IS HERE billboard campaign, please visit
Media Contact:
Basha Oka Botnick
[email protected]
SOURCE The Geulah Generation Inc.