From David Nastali (@DNastali):
Where do you rank DVP in all-time pantheon of Dolphins receivers?
Hey David, unless I’m mistaken because of our past interactions (and the way Dolphins fans feel about Parker), I’m thinking this question is very sarcastic. Regardless, I’ll answer it seriously and probably put Parker near the back of the top 10. If you’re talking Dolphins wide receivers, it’s gotta be Duper, Clayton, Warfield, McDuffie, Nat Moore, Landry and Fryar in the top tier, followed by players like Chris Chambers and Parker (though I’m probably forgetting somebody deserving).
From Eli Tilen (@elijts):
Alain, thank you for the great continued coverage. What were your thoughts about the reel with 150 passes that McDaniel went over with Tua? Is that engagement between an HC and QB normal? If it is, is common that it’s made public?
Hey Eli, thanks very much for the kind words, first of all. A head coach and a QB watching tape together is really nothing out of the ordinary, which is why I don’t recall seeing myself or any of the beat writers putting out stories about it. Understand that practices and games make up only a small percentage of the NFL player preparation because there are a ton of meetings and a large amount of film study. As for it being made public, this happened because Tua was asked whether he’d gone back to watch his throws from last year. Players don’t necessarily advertise this, but it’s pretty common.
From Hugo Castle (@CastleHugo):
Is there any real incentive to watch the draft this year?
Hey Hugo, well, you certainly could watch to see what the other AFC East teams end up doing because ultimately the Dolphins will have to beat them. I also wouldn’t dismiss the possibility of the Dolphins making some moves during the draft to pick up some picks instead of remaining at only four selections. So, yes, you should watch the draft if you’re a Dolphins fan.
From Cliffy Mac (@mclifford36):
Hey Cliffy, If Deebo asks for a trade a month ago, is he a Dolphin instead of Hill?
Hey Cliffy, that is a fabulous question and one I asked myself once the Deebo reports came out. I think my answer would depend on whether Deebo would be willing to play the same role he had for McDaniel in San Francisco based on the reports that he wants to be used as a pure wide receiver. If those reports are true, I just don’t see how anybody would give up major draft capital for Samuel and look to acquire him instead of Hill — even with McDaniel’s familiarity with him. Now, had Samuel demanded a trade a month ago and indicated he’d be willing to continue his same role for the Dolphins, then that’s a different story.
From Adnas (@Anase815):
Is Deebo Samuel a real possibility? Would it even make sense for the Dolphins?
Howdy, yeah, this is a question that’s been asked before and I’ll say again it just doesn’t make any sense to bring in yet another offensive playmaker who would cost more draft capital and require another huge contract when the offense sure seems to have enough playmakers around Tua already. From where I sit, no, it wouldn’t make sense.