Real Estate

Florida Real Estate Roundup: Wynwood Offices, MSC Cruises

By Nathan Hale (March 15, 2022, 5:31 PM EDT) — Known in recent years for its art galleries, restaurants and hip vibe, Miami’s Wynwood neighborhood keeps gaining fame as one of the city’s fastest-growing destinations for office space.

DWNTWN Realty Advisors recently closed the $44 million sale of Wynwood Annex to San Francisco-based Brick & Timber Collective in an off-market deal that the Miami brokerage said “sets a new bar for the Miami office market.”

Hired by then-owners Related Group and East End Capital to stabilize the property during the pandemic, DWNTWN’s marketing and leasing efforts achieved full occupancy of 60,000 square feet of office space within six months, consisting of…

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