Real Estate

Real Estate Rumors: Bloom Ventures, Arbor Realty, Seagis

By Andrew McIntyre (February 10, 2022, 3:59 PM EST) — Israel-based investment firm Bloom Ventures has purchased a Miami Beach hotel and condo building for $23.5 million, the South Florida Business Journal reported Thursday. The deal is for Sixty Sixty, which has a total of 82 hotel and condo units, and the seller is a venture of Integra Investments and Activate Hospitality, according to the report.

New York-based Arbor Realty Trust has loaned $105 million for a portfolio of Georgia apartment complexes, Commercial Observer reported Thursday. The loan to Icer Properties is for Life at Greenbriar in Atlanta, Ashlar Townhomes in Jonesboro and Retreat at Baywood in Morrow, and the properties…

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