Real Estate

Real Estate Rumors: Pardo Jackson, PS 260, Treo Group

By Andrew McIntyre (January 19, 2022, 6:53 PM EST) — Pardo Jackson Gainsburg PL has taken 6,000 square feet on Southeast Second Street in Miami, the South Florida Business Journal reported Wednesday. The law firm has moved into space on floor 20 of 100 S.E. Second St., which is owned by Sumitomo Corp. of America, according to the report.

PS 260 has inked a deal to lease 7,615 square feet of space on Broad Street in Manhattan, Commercial Observer reported Wednesday. The media company is taking space at 30 Broad St., according to the report, which said the landlord is 30 Broad Street Venture.

Century Homebuilders is under contract to buy…

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